Who's eligible?
Medicare has established guidelines to help patients determine if they qualify for home care services. Medicare’s coverage guidelines can be helpful to determine if you are eligible for home care services.
Home Care might be right for you:
- Have recently returned from a hospital stay or need IV fluids at home
- Have a wound that’s not healing
- Have a chronic illness
- Have trouble breathing
- Have had recent hip or knee surgery and need help with mobility
- Have fallen at home in the past few months
- Recent exacerbation of a previous diagnosis
- New medication or medication dosage change
- Recent hospitalization
- Having trouble living independently at home
- Concerned about living alone
- Experience chronic pain
- Receiving services under a plan of care prescribed by their physician and periodically reviewed for progress
- In need of skilled nursing care on an intermittent basis, physical therapy or speech-language pathology, or has a continuing need for occupational therapy
- Have a difficult time leaving the house, typically with a taxing effort